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Industry News

Auto parts, the higher the hardness, the better? Not necessarily!

Auto parts, the higher the hardness, the better? Not necessarily!

The bumper of a vehicle pursues toughness rather than hardness.
2020-09-22 10:38
What is the future of auto parts development?

What is the future of auto parts development?

汽车零件市场规模 2018年,中国汽车零部件表面处理市场规模186.7亿元,同比增长4.2%。虽然在2019年中,受到中美贸易战和汽车制造业低迷影响下,并且汽车零部件表面处理行业市场规模增速放缓发展。但是整体市场规模约192.4亿元,同比增长3.1%。由此可见,故零件市场发展还是呈上升趋势。
2020-09-22 10:35